
Partying, spotting game, fishing and sundowners by the river.
Fi and Vicky ready to fly : People Jo is our co-pilot : People Johnnie in his tent : People P9200049 : People P9200088 : People P9200089 : People
IMG 0523 : People IMG 0524 : People IMG 0536 : People P9210098 : People Dinner on our first night with Cindy's presents : People Stretch enjoying Cindy's book : People
The closest Cindy is going to get to a leopard? : People P9210113 : People Fancy dress night : People P9220119 : People P9220123 : People P9220131 : People
P9220132 : People P9220133 : People P9220136 : People P9220139 : People P9220147 : People The spread for our Brai : People
The camp crew entertain us : People P9220157 : People Fi with her birthday cake : People Who gave Tommy that gun? : People P9220184 : People P9220187 : People
Family photo : People Tea break : People P9230228 : People P9230229 : People P9230238 : People P9230240 : People
P9230246 : People Coffee break at the pan : People Vicky's sturdy footwear! : People Walking back to camp : People P9240256 : People Ready to go : People
Getting ready to launch our memorial bouquet for Louise : People P9240284 : People P9240286 : People P9240294 : People P9240301 : People Elephant watching : People
Picnic at Vundu Point : People A Zambezi on the Zambezi : People Fishing at Vundu Point : People Mid-day swim at camp : People Fishing at Vundu Point : People P9250332 : People
Photography lesson : People Sunset photos : People P9250352 : People P9250355 : People P9250358 : People P9250364 : People
P9250366 : People Our other guide, Sean : People Giant Baobab : People P9260382 : People